Revolutionizing inspection management by improving collaboration and enhancing HSE performance
About business
Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), as the leading exploration and production company in the Sultanate of Oman, delivers the majority of the country’s crude oil production and natural gas supply.The XGO HSE app is a platform that enables key personnel to create Health and Safety Executive (HSE) checklists wherein end-users are then able to report on compliance at the item level.
Operating in the traditionally oil and gas industry requires rigorous inspections and thorough reporting to maintain safety and compliance. With current industry standards lagging behind recent technological advancements, PDO saw a way to step into the future and digitize their processes using a modern mobile application.
Background research
To kick off this project, we conducted secondary research into HSE App and similar apps that allow its users to do inspections by providing checklist templates such as iAuditor, Insight, and GoAudits to familiarize ourselves with the project quickly. We also did an app audit of the current HSE app and web app to understand the current scope of the product better.
User Interviews
We conducted several user interviews with the users of the HSE application to avoid the risk and expense of creating something users don’t want. We interviewed four users to find out what they think of the current app. The questions we asked were centered on various touchpoints. For instance, we asked questions related to:
- Problems they’re facing with the current app
- Their approach to solving technical problems they face
- Features they would like to see in the app
Key findings from the interviews:
Heuristic Evaluation
The heuristic evaluation was conducted on HSE App and web app by utilizing a team of evaluators assigned tasks to complete on both platforms. Evaluators used Jakob Nielsen’s 10 Heuristic Principles as a guideline to provide feedback. The feedback involved analyzing each screen and identifying heuristic principles that complied or in violation throughout the process.
After conducting user interviews and heuristic evaluation, we were able to identify common habits, problems, and pain points. Also, this helped us to identify our key persona; Ali.
Meet Ali! He’s the user persona representing the common goals, behaviors, and themes among users that I identified through user research. As we got deeper in the process, it helped to have a visual reminder of the people we’re was designing for. We also created a user journey map to empathize with Ali's experiences before, during, and after interacting with HSE App.
Business and users goals
Next, we identified key business & user goals. We wanted to ensure the new features would allow both the client and users to achieve at least some of their individual and common goals.
Business goals
- Develop a versioning system for the checklists.
- Add an option for inspectors to flag checklists via the User Interface.
- Allow admin users to resend an invitation to an inspector if the original temporary password was lost.
- Build a new page for the Glossary.
- Build a reporting page that shows key metrics.
- Add an option to give a checklist a category on the create checklist form.
- Sync mobile application as soon as it manages to connect to the internet, without any manual prompting.
Users goals
- Being able to review checklists before submission.
- Ability to export checklists in PDF.
- Use the app when there is no Internet connection.
- Ability to submit sections instead of the whole checklist.
- Have access to all submitted checklists.
- Have a third user with permission of creating and updating checklists.
- Allow users to upload more than one image probably 2-3 images. Users should be able to preview uploaded images before sending them out.
Shared goals
- Sync mobile application as soon as it manages to connect to the internet, without any manual prompting.
After defining the key pages and their content, we did some initial sketches exploring layouts for HSE App. The answers we received from the users were a useful reference at this stage since it’s important to consider user expectations and needs guided by sketches, we created wireframes for the key pages of the website.
Information Architecture
After defining both user and business needs for HSE App, we prepared some task flows involving the new feature. These were merged and expanded, resulting in user flows. The goal was to show how users might interact with the new features as they move around the app.
With the UI designs, we wrote a usability test plan and prepared a high-fidelity interactive Figma prototype for remote usability testing. It was important to test whether our decisions around information architecture, content strategy, interaction, and visual design were easy to use by inspectors. In other words, it was time to observe how users interacted with our designs and gather some feedback, then use that information to iterate!
- Assess the usability of the app.
- Observe how efficiently users can submit inspections
- Observe how efficiently users can navigate through the app
- Get feedback on the layout and visual design

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor